Promised Tax Regulation Changes Will Be Difficult

Abstract:  Although President Trump has promised many changes to the Federal tax code, any set of changes must meet the revenue-neutral standard imposed by the Republican-controlled Congress. Also, each of the changes is opposed by a powerful lobby. It will be difficult to achieve any major changes. For instance, one of…

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Upcoming Water Restrictions for Lawns

Abstract: California requires that each municipality implement regulations which will severely restrict water consumption on all new and renovated landscaping for either residential or commercial use. The regulations must conform to the Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (MWELO). Lawn designs must receive permits. Requirements will include high-efficiency delivery systems, flow…

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Psychological Effects Of Being An Elder Caretaker

Abstract: Taking care of an elder suffering diminished capacity can be physically and emotionally stressful. Their care can require a significant time commitment and can detract from the caretaker’s involvement in socially and financially fulfilling activities. The financial concerns can be overwhelming. Most difficult is the effects on the caretaker…

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Tryptophan – Safe, Effective Sleep Aid

Abstract: Tryptophan is the amino acid in turkey which is usually blamed for your after-dinner lethargy on Thanksgiving. Tryptophan is a highly effective and relatively safe sleep aid which can be taken as an over-the-counter pill. However, it was banned decades ago for causing three deaths in one year. In…

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